I'm not sure yet which internal Sun group could do this. But, since this could potentially improve the build process for everybody, I think that figuring this out would be very much worth it. I'm willing to help!

Since Niagara is one of the first machines with this much on-chip parallelism (but not the last, certainly), I'm also hopeful that this work might be applicable to other large parallel builds as well (even those not on T1000's, e.g. 4P8C Opteron boxes).

If people in the OpenSolaris community generally like this project idea, I'll work with Jim Grisanzio to find a machine somewhere, and to get it setup in time.


Muppalla Sridhar wrote:
Hi Mike,

This looks to be a good project. Student should get access to T1000 box. Which group within Sun can give T1000 access to student?


Michael Pogue wrote On 04/17/06 01:59 PM,:

I have a suggestion: in another current thread, "Build times for Open Solaris", there's discussion about build parallelism on a Niagara (T1000), and how we don't get much benefit in build time beyond 4 CPUs.

I think that it would be a great Summer of Code project, to investigate what it would take to get full utilization (32 CPU's) on a T1000 building Open Solaris. And then, contribute the changes back to OpenSolaris, speeding up the build process for everybody (who has access to multi-cpu hardware).

It wouldn't require deep knowledge of the internals of Solaris, so the barrier to entry is not high. And, it's a chance to play around with some really cool hardware (pun intentional :-).


Jim Grisanzio wrote:

hey, guys.

Google has announced its 2006 Summer of Code:

This is the second summer where Google has engaged student developers worldwide to participate on a variety of open source projects under this mentoring program. OpenSolaris has applied to be one of those mentoring communities. It's a great way for us to contribute to the greater open source community, while at the same time providing us the opportunity to meet new developers -- especially students -- in new areas. See the details (especially question #2) about mentoring: http://code.google.com/soc/mentorfaq.html

With more than 40 communities and more than 20 projects I think we have more than enough to offer as this point. I'd like to get a thread started here for possible project ideas. We need to act quickly if we want to participate, though.

My initial thought: I think the easiest way to participate is for the OpenSolaris project owners http://www.opensolaris.org/os/projects to be mentors (or identify mentors) to these new student developers. Perhaps we could flush out some ideas in this thread and then the interested projects/owners can mock up their project pages with a Summer of Code section with some items the students can work on. We can then add a box to the front page directing Summer of Code students to those participating projects.

That part is easy. The question is this, though: are there any OpenSolaris projects interested in engaging these students in Google's Summer of code? If so, let's talk about what we could offer. I'll collect the ideas and feed them into our application process.

Please feel free to forward to any list you think appropriate.



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