On Tue 18 Apr 2006 at 08:32AM, Eric Lowe wrote:
> As for the technical discussion list, as I've said before, I don't care 
> about the means as long as we accomplish the ends. For all I care we can 
> call it [EMAIL PROTECTED], and as long as everybody knows to go there 
> for technical questions, spec posts, and RFC submissions.

Now I'm really confused.  This last statement sounds like you're
inventing new process.  Are project teams now expected to cross-post
things like PSARC cases and design documents to muskoka-discuss?

Will we have control over whether our content appears in your library?

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] does not fit the bill, sorry. Neither does 
> SKML. The intent was to have a broader-reaching technical discussion list. 
> Linux is a kernel; OpenSolaris is an *os*. I would like the mailing list 
> to reflect that difference in reality, although the mission is certainly 
> similar.

To be clear: OpenSolaris is not an OS.  It is a collection of people,
processes, and a forest of codebases; you can assemble various bits of
OpenSolaris into any number of OS's.  That's a not-insignificant

> Getting back to the topic of this thread, I'll throw a random suggestion 
> out there: tech-discuss.

First, isn't "the muskoka project" the opposite of what we've been busy
doing in creating projects and communities?  I don't want to have to
monitor and refer people posting about zones to tech-discuss or
muskoka-discuss over to zones-discuss where all the expertise lives.  We
have to do that today inside of Sun and it's super annoying.

Second, I don't think saying: "it's a hodge-podge" and "it's moderated"
make sense together.  You'd be better off with os-discuss and
os-technical, both unmoderated, and no requirements about posting
specs, RFCs, etc.

Finally, I'll criticize myself in that last week we had a big brewhaha
on this list about whether it was OK to be in opposition to a project.
I'll accept the purity of the idea that anyone who wants to can have a
project can have one if seconded (as in this case).  So from that
perspective, go ahead.  But I object to this being called something
really generic (like tech-discuss) or imposing new processes or
expectations ("you should post your specs/cases/RFCs to this list") 
without a much more vigorous review.


Daniel Price - Solaris Kernel Engineering - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - blogs.sun.com/dp
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