Joerg Schilling wrote:

Darren J Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Joerg Schilling wrote:
Robert Milkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I myself would prefer open source software based on libraries already
included in Solaris (like OpenSSL) - something I can't get with
This is something that currently does not fit the ON OSS model from Sun.

Unless we find a way that Sun makes more bits OSS, it may be that
e.g. Schillix is forced to supply different libs than Sun does.
Huh ? I truely don't understand what you are getting at here. Sun is doing its bloody best to release as much code as quickly as we can. What is left in ON that is closed source is closed for a reason.

I am not sure if you did understand the problem.

A main problem for OpenSolaris based distros is that ON is not self contained.
This means that ON itself is not complete enough to make a minimal distro out of it.

People who like to create even a minimal distro are forced to grab the
related sources from elsewhere and to find a way to compile in a way that makes
it work. This is not necessarily the same way Sun did do it....

I'm still wondering where you see gaps. In particular when you say:

  > This is not necessarily the same way Sun did do it...

You are asking that Sun to be more open about the way Sun did it (correct?).

Then I think it would be very useful if you would also say what you think is lacking.

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