On 5/6/06, Bob Palowoda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't want to expand upon the issues I face with
> Solaris 10 (01/06),
> considering the nastiness I received on the yahoo
> mailing list; lets
> just say that compared to even Windows XP, the
> experience as a
> workstation 'user' has been less than desirable - any
> attempt my me in
> the past to raise these issues has result in a
> backlash which has ranged
> from abuse, cheap remarks or the deafening sound of
> silence.

 I am one of about 5 owner/moderators of that group you mentioned and
I went back and reviewed some of the discussion and didn't see
any abuse.  I seen explainations from engineers why certain
proprietary interfaces are difficult to integrate into Solaris.  And
the one time you thought your message was moderated it was just stuck in
the que for 10min.   Yes the group is moderated but in the many
years that it has been around the only sinking of messages are
attributed to selling elixirs, prompting for employement oppertunities
in Antartica and solutions to global war.  In fact the deafening
sound of silence means it's not a channel to the management at
Sun.  Come to think of it the opensolaris.org site dosn't have
an open channel to Sun's market management either.  Maybe it's better
to work with the sales channel on overall marketing issues with

Thank you for your reply,

I certainly don't expect a 'hot line' to the marketing department,
assuming they know how to operate a computer let alone put together an
advertisement that isn't ass paralisingly painfully boring to watch.

What I get frustrated with is this constant fobbing off or
responsibility, take ATI drivers for instance, "oh, there is nothing
that SUN can do!" and yet when I throw an obvious solution into the
ring, it appears there is a defeaning silence followed by a "you can't
do that!".

Imagine if Microsoft, everytime something went wrong, blamed a
programmer who no longer works there, as the excuse for security
holes, would it make it ok for it to remain shoddy? of course not! its
their product, and they should maintain it.

Same situation for SUN - they seem to want to sell something, but take
none of the responsibility that comes with owning and developing a

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