Kaiwai Gardiner wrote:

Hence the reason I don't believe Sun has EVER talked to Adobe over this Acrobat issue - honestly, how many companies would turn down free money? I mean, if Scott turned up at your door step, paid you $10million in cash, and all you had to do was port an application or write a driver for Solaris x86, would you turn down the money? of course not; free money! more customers! geeze, its a gravy training rolling past the door.

Hence the reason I find its an issue of Sun refusing to do something rather than an issue of 'well, we've tried, and they still refuse".

I'm under the belief SUN did approach Adobe. In the mainstream CAD application "Pro-Engineer" (arguably the # one CAD platform) the Sparc version will output "pdf" drawings using Adobe libraries. The X64 version is missing this feature. PTC and SUN have to be trying to get 100% compatibility between both platforms or they need to change the source to use ghostscript to output "pdf's".

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