> > Joerg and Thomas are correct to point out the
> > university issue, but things will turn around.
> Inside
> > Sun, this is being taken seriously.
> I would like to make a suggestion, and task you
> specifically to take that suggestion back to the Sun
> education and marketing execs, provided you are
> willing to take on this task.
> My suggestion is to devote a certain number of Sun
> Educational resources, in terms of instructors, to
> giving free Solaris sysadmin I and II courses in
> universitites.
> The students would perhaps still have to pay for the
> certification vouchers, but attending the sysadmin
> certification courses would be free.
> If SunEd feels that this would cost too much money,
> perhaps a portion of the marketing funds could be
> diverted to that end. It is, after all, ultimately
> advertizing Solaris to the future technology and
> decision makers, i.e. potential Sun customers of
> tomorrow.

Happy to float the idea. I'm not sure what they offer now (other than what 
OpenSolaris is doing), but all ideas are always welcome.

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