> On the other side I
> cannot really get rid 
> of the impression that Sun gave up on Europe at
> least. Don't know about US 
> but that's just how it appears to me.

I have come to the same observation; the state of affairs in Europe regarding 
Solaris awareness and Solaris expertise is simply DISMAL.

It was one of the biggest shocks to me when I moved from the U.S.  Germany is 
particularly bad, sysadmins and consultants there are slapping Windows on 
vanilla PCs by the cartloads.  When something needs done fast, the first 
thought is to slap Windows on "because it's so easy and fast".

"Solaris? But that's expensive!"  I didn't expect this from Germans -- the guys 
from Germany I knew back home were top notch, but this was a shattering 
experience for me.

(I don't count Juergen and Joerg of course, they're living legends.)

And even what I experienced in Germany wasn't as bad as here -- here the 
definition of "really high tech" is being able to install Linux on a vanilla 
PC, then use that as a "server". Total incompetence, I've never seen anything 
like it.  I wrote before on the usenet about the trials and tribulations a 
friend of mine had to go through when he wanted to put in a 1U Opteron server 
from HP -- "but we have dual Xeons, why in the world would you want Opteron and 

Again: Europe is DISMAL. We need to do something about it.
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