On Sun, Jun 18, 2006 at 09:47:21PM -0700, Hugh McIntyre wrote:
> Philip Brown wrote:
> >>> While blastwave does it, I can't use blastwave as a part of some
> >>> other solution. And that's the problem with all the package
> >>> management systems - they're fine, as long as you use them in
> >>> complete isolation.
> >> Exactly.  Say I want PHP to run with the bundled Apache.  Blastwave 
> >> won't do this, unlike Fink, for example.
> > 
> > why the heck would you want to do that, though?
> Say because of having an existing set of configuration against the 
> bundled Apache and just wanting to add PHP, not starting again 
> configuring everything else from scratch with the Blastwave version.  In 
> principle most of the config might copy across, but that's not the point.

No, it really is the point. both from the "it really isnt that tough" point
of view, and also, because it's the Right Thing To Do.

It's the right thing to do, [or at least, the expected thing to do ], because
you're basically changing software 'vendor' for your web infrastructure.
There are multiple applications out there that
'require' certain versions of support software to run. It IS somewhat
irritating at a "why should I change?" level.. but it is common practice,
and it makes the best sense to have a reliable, supported version of the
top-level stuff you actually want to run.

But besides which, for 95% of migrations for SUNWapache to CSWapache, you
would be able to copy over /etc/apache/httpd.conf to 
/opt/csw/apache/conf/httpd.conf, and have it work with ZERO changes.
You dont have to change DocumentRoot, or almost anything else. You've just
changed the location of your binaries from /usr/apache/bin to

(Now, you'd ideally want to do this BEFORE installing CSWphp, so that the
 install script will automatically update 'your' httpd.conf instead
 of the default csw httpd.conf. but that's about the only gotcha :-)
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