Ghee Teo writes:
It seems that this is already covered bby the Visual
Panels project;
I do not believe we should have two competing
projects except in cases
where there are very compelling reasons.
 These may have been replied before in a similar vein, but it seems to be th
at visual panel is much more SMF oriented.

That's not intended to be the case. If there's text in the vpanels project pages that led you to this belief, please point it out to us so we can fix it.


(While we are extending SMF's capabilities to reduce specialized code
needed by visual panels and other administrative tools, the visual panels
experience will not be SMF-centric from the user's point of view.)

Darren has pointed to a chunk of the text concerning SMF in his reply.
In his reply, he also highlighted another point which from the desktop's
perpective and in the Open Source context, we have a gap to fill in from
the Single Sys Admin's point of view. That is, the Desktop has to improved
on a faster pace in terms of its usability lest we are eclipsed by our
competitors (not to mention that we are in playing catch-up mode at
moment). I have no doubt that vpanels is a great project :). But I also
think that SSA and vp are complementary projects. One thing we do need
to make sure to work on that the two works well together.

For example, how will vp be integrated into the desktop? How much of the
overlapping configuration data can be managed/shared properly (guess in the
area of control panel that Darren has mentioned).

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