> Dunno about the frame buffers, but perhaps libC contains 3rd party IP,
> and Sun's license to use it prohibits redistribution by other parties?
> I believe that's one of the reasons why you and I are not allowed to
> redistribute the Solaris ISOs we can download for free from Sun's web
> site: Sun is allowed to distribute it, but others are not.
> Sensible?  NOt really, but as Casper (and others) has said, that's one
> of the prices paid for developing stuff as closed source.  I'm sure Sun
> is doing their best to open up libC (or at least allow redistribution),
> but if the owner of the IP won't play ball, it's out of Sun's hands
> (apart from Sun re-writing the bits that are closed)...
> -- 
> Rich Teer, SCNA, SCSA, OpenSolaris CAB member
> President,
> Rite Online Inc.

Hi Rich,

If (and only if) 3rd parties are involved into the libC* thing, I _would_ 
understand it.

What I still would not understand - however - is, why the Distros-JDK (on which 
SUNW has made so much noise about, back in May'06) has not been built with the 
open gcc.
A gcc-built JDK would not depend on those closed libs.

(leaving office now)
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