The OpenSolaris Day will definitely be free and open for all.  So, any
chance of you speaking at the event?  Coordinating a user group meeting
to happen close to that date?

i just mailed the contact from the solaris opensolaris user group from
argentina asking whether anyone is planning to go; the group's page
still looks like a draft, so i really dont know what will happen but
there is still some time to plan
i started using solaris a little while ago so i'm still not confident
enough to talk about it. We might deploy some at the office if i push
my boss hard enough, so i'll have time to learn

If anyone is planning to attend, be sure to let Nacho know...  Maybe a
response here so we all know.  :)

i'll try to go even if noone is coming but i would hate to see it
become a marketing meeting withough engineers

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