On 8/22/06, Kuldip Oberoi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Hi Joerg,

 There are a few methods to provide feedback to the product team:

 1. Sun Developer Service Plans/Sun Support Services Plans ($$)


 This offers the official bug escalation process.

 2. Bug Submittal (free)


 Report a bug.  The team will see it, but it will not necessarily be
escalated for a priority fix.

 In addition, there are a few additional mechanisms for support:

 3. Sun Developer Expert Assistance ($)


 Incident level support- help review flags, etc.

 4. Sun Studio forums (free)


 Community forums.

 Of courses, in all cases, it is helpful to have example code, makefile,
etc. to help illustrate the issue.

The "Community forums" are a pain to use. I wish you would listen to
the requests and replace them with a normal mailman mailing list.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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