> James Carlson wrote:
>> Roland Mainz writes:
>>> Karyn Ritter wrote:
>>>> Build 51 is being respun, so the build won't be available on
>>>> opensolaris.org by Friday (Nov. 3) as normally planned. The SX program
>>>> manager believes this will be available by Nov. 6 or 7.
>>> What exactly went wrong ? Does the OS/Net source tarball need to be
>>> updated ?
>> It was an "oops."  Packages (not from ON) belonging to a not-yet-
>> delivered project were accidentally sent to the consolidation, and
>> overwrote the correct packages already there.  It results in upgrade
>> failures.
> Hrm, from one vague message to another. Any chance of being just a little
> bit
> more open in sake of creating a better informed open development
> environment? [1]

>From someone out here in the NOT Sun.COM domain I can tell you that "huh?"
is a perfectly reasonable description of the feeling.

At the moment we have source updates every other few days.  We are swimming,
positively swimming in code from the JDS project and up to our ears in
things to do.  So the delay of SXCR rev 51 being off by a few days gets a
shoulder shrug and a nod from me as I rapidly switch from xterm to xterm
trying to stay on top of builds and admin task in front of me.

If someone did an "oops" then thats fine. It happens and life goes on.  Its
not like someone fried the boot process and then released a patch to the
whole Solaris world that crashes every productions server from Istanbul to
Timbuktoo.  Tonight Paris, New York and Cairo are burning.  :-)


thanks for being open !

Dennis Clarke

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