> Hello all,
> I am writing this to talk about Solaris and its
> future. I was experimenting with Solaris long time
> and I have found many things, which are, need to
> change in Solaris.
> Recently I was asked question about CDE, about its
> future and I had answer that Sun Microsystems don't
> plan to investment money in CDE. There are lots of
> people which prefer CDE for use it in Solaris and
> this will be biggest mistake to fully remove it from
> Solaris. 

CDE in Solaris almost has not changed since day one. I cannot see why it is a 
mistake for Sun to remove it from Solaris. If people from the community want to 
support (or update) it then fine, but I don't see why it is such a problem for 
Sun to finally stop making a variant of the Model T Ford :) 

It all comes down to the resources Sun has to throw at the desktop. I really 
don't think they
could effectively support more then JDS at this time. This leaves a great 
opening for the community to step up and deliver what Sun can not.

> The second mistake of Solaris is that Java Desktop
> System is created as graphical desktop. It must be as
> theme for original GNOME! There is needed to be
> original GNOME 2.14, 2.16 in Solaris.

I much prefer the current JDS theme to the default gnome theme. If you don't 
like the JDS theme, it is very simple to change. It all comes down to personal 
preference and what people are used to. Most people in the world are used to a 
"MS Windows" look and Feel. If you want to make the conversion from Windows to 
Solaris easier, then JDS is the way to go.
> If there will be done the said things then Solaris
> popularity will be bigger and market too because
> graphical desktop things are very important. People
> are watching not only on features but also on
> graphical desktop design! Graphical desktop design is
> very important for over 80% of people.
> Very important is if there are no unneeded lines,
> mistakes in colors, unneeded background colors in
> applications. One of them is Solaris Management
> Console 2.1 where are many errors.

I totally agree here. Java apps on Solaris just don't look right (They 
SUCK!!!). Hopefully JDK 6 will help fix this, but maybe the default look and 
feel for Java apps on Solaris should be GTK+ rather than the ugly duckling 
"metal" theme.
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