I see another problem.In my opinion,the question is about  maintaining a single 
version of Solaris for Enterprise and Desktop market.These two enviroments are 
quite different for many reasons.Ten years ago,we had Motif an CDE for all 
enviroments and this was ok.Then,with the arriving of Gnome and KDE,we have had 
a new challenge for UNIX in the desktop market .A challenge for a better 
user-friendly enviroment, for a better integrated desktop into the OS and a 
more simple OS management.So,why have not two versions of Solaris OS? Most of 
code should be shared from OpenSolaris project,we can add some characteristics 
for specific enviroment: 
Desktop release: drop CDE,add boot splash,more new code from opensolaris new 
projects into the system,more GTK+ apps and tools (for example...)
Enterprise Release: maintain a strong compatibity with old software and 
hardware (for example...)
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