> The MRTX pkgs will.
> However, marTux itself will be rpm based while
> offering pkgadd
> compatibility at the same time.

I believe that your time reengineering / repackaging software in RPM would be 
better spent formally extending `pkgadd` and friends with features that `rpm` 
has and `pkgadd` tools don't.

Otherwise, you run the risk of never being a suitable candidate for production 
environments, like banks, insurance companies, industrial corporations, the 
military, government, etcetera: you simply won't have enough compatibility with 
stock Solaris and will diverge too far from it.

It's basically going down the same route Nexenta and BeleniX have taken. Are 
you sure that that's the future you want for your distribution?

> Okay, he is partially right: First you have more
> mount points when
> staying SVR4 compliant with config dirs here and
> there.
> Second, the nfs client may not have /etc/opt/csw or
> /etc/opt/mrtx yet,
> and you need to mkdir them before you can mount.

No, you do not. That's solved via a "foundation package". And in this 
foundation package, if you are careful and think things through, you could use 
the AutoMounter facility to do the NFS mounting for you, if need be.

Ironically enough, Blastwave has such a thing, "CSWcommon", but they haven't 
used it to solve that problem; they don't even *enforce* a standard set of 
permissions on the directory structure that CSWcommon delivers, or their 
packaging guidelines aren't stringent enough, because there were quite a few 
packages from Blastwave that wanted to change permissions.
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