UNIX admin wrote:

>Otherwise, you run the risk of never being a suitable candidate for production 
>environments, like banks, insurance companies, industrial corporations, the 
>military, government, etcetera: you simply won't have enough compatibility 
>with stock Solaris and will diverge too far from it.

Those high security institutions will never trust non-SUNW compiled code
either way.

>It's basically going down the same route Nexenta and BeleniX have taken. Are 
>you sure that that's the future you want for your distribution?


Nextenda and Belenix are two completely different things.
Plus I don't see any of them "going down".

Nextenda uses .deb packaging.
Belenix on the other hand does use pkgadd.

>No, you do not. That's solved via a "foundation package". And in this 
>foundation package, if you are careful and think things through, you could use 
>the AutoMounter facility to do the NFS mounting for you, if need be.

>Ironically enough, Blastwave has such a thing, "CSWcommon",

I know.

> but they haven't used it to solve that problem; they don't even *enforce* a 
> standard set of permissions on the directory structure that CSWcommon 
> delivers, or their packaging guidelines aren't stringent enough, because 
> there were quite a few packages from Blastwave that wanted to change 
> permissions.

I once posted something to the csw list.
But didn't get too friednly, nor very much, responsed.
I'm btw no longer on that list.

Thanks for your input, UNIXadmin.
I will need more of it!


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