On 1/5/07, UNIX admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> exactly which needed features are those that rpm has
> that pkgadd does not ?


There are principally several major features `pkgadd` is lacking, and
those are:

if I need REV 1.0 or 2007.01.05.07 of some dependency,
and I have REV 3.2 or 2007.04.18.23 of the said software,
`pkgadd` should be able to recognize that I have satisfied the min REV
required, and plough on instead of doing a string-like check and *insisting*
that I need *exactly* REV 1.0 (or 2007.01.05.07, for example).

I can't see that working.  You have no idea whatsoever whether a later
will be compatible with the minimum version, and even if one later version
compatible then subsequent later versions may not be.

If you want to do something like this then surely the right place would be
REV 3.2 to declare that it also provides REV 1.0. That way when REV 4.3
that is an incompatible version of that dependency is released, you don't

For example, on SGI's IRIX, `inst` is smart enough to note the difference
between two same "subsystems" of a different revision: if a newer subsystem
*does not* have files that the old one does, the now unnecessary files will
be automatically and transparently removed by `inst`. This is an upgrade
feature of `inst` that I find simply and without any doubt phenomenal!!!

Ermmm. In what way is this different from pkgrm of the old version followed
by pkgadd of the new version? (There is room for a one-step implementation,
especially as that would allow you to do this safely in the case where other
packages depended on the package you want to update.)

Both of the aforementioned issues and scenarios is where `inst` excells. I
have never worked with a UNIX/Linux software management subsystem as elegant
and as intelligent as `inst`!

If there's one way in which I've been fortunate recently, it's that I no
have to deal with the monstrosity that is inst. Anything that can get so
tangled up that it cannot allow you to install some software because of
irreconcilable dependencies is something I'm glad to be rid of. (Although
I have seen rpm based machines go into the same abyss.)

-Peter Tribble
http://www.petertribble.co.uk/ - http://ptribble.blogspot.com/
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