
I'm new to this thread but not Solaris in general.

I'm trying to get Solaris 10 jumpstart to work using a Linux server.

The big problem I have is the apparent compatibility issues between Linux (2.6 
kernel, tried both Fedora core 4 and 6) NFS version 4 (nfs-utils 1.0.7-8 and 
1.0.10-5.fc6) and Solaris.

I can take a working Solaris 10 and mount the NFS shares fine, but I have to 
put in a mount option '-overs=3' (version 3 instead of version 4); the other 
way is to change the /etc/defaults/nfs file (NFS_CLIENT_VERSMAX=4 default to 
3).  This is well-documented, but the problem is that I am not able to pass 
such an argument to the kernel during boot (in the grub menu.lst or anywhere 

And it also seems Solaris jumpstart has no way of setting the install_media 
option to a http server instead of an nfs mount (unlike linux systems' 
kickstarts).  There's the url http option for the config files but not for the 

So if there's anyone out there who knows how to get the 'kernel' statement in 
grub menu.lst to do a version 3 NFS mount to a linux NFS share instead of the 
default version 4, I'd much appreciate it.

I re-read the man pages on linux nfs and tried the newest version 4 (thus the 
nfs-utils-1.0.10-5), hoping that this would be compatible with Solaris's nfs 
client, but to no avail.

One other desperate measure I attempted was to take the ramdisk (x86.miniroot) 
file in /tftpboot I86PC.Solaris_10-1 folder and gunzip it and either loop mount 
it to a temporary place (or use cpio -a), then modify the /etc/defaults/nfs 
file as above and re-gzip it back up to use it as the customized miniroot 
during jumpstart (this type of thing has worked fine for me in creating custom 
boot images in linux for usb device os installs, etc), but I have other errors 
in that process also in Solaris.

Any help by someone who knows the jumpstart process better than what's in the 
documentation (I've read it over many times), who might be able to point me to 
how I can perhaps break down the grub boot process to loading the miniroot and 
then going into a shell and mounting the jumpstart server nfs manually (using 
-overs=3, etc.) and then resuming the installation process, would be _MUCH_ 

Thanks in advance,

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