>>Doesn't mean much though .. because I am able to do things and I suspect
>>free memory means very little with ZFS.
> You need to make sure you test with b55+ (or was it b54).
> There's a memory issue with b51-b54.


  well now .. that says a lot right there.

  Thank you Sir Casper.

  We as members of the OpenSolaris community are probably allowed to knight
you I should think.  I'll get a build going of snv_b55 pronto but .. that
will take bloody forever with a Sun Ultra 2.  I am in the middle of some
gnome testing right now and can not stop really.  Too bad .. because now I
am very curious.


personally .. I don't see a problem but I'd have to look closely



So you can see that I was logged into the machine and doing various things
for about 30 minutes and then I logged out.  The machine released some
memory and life goes on.

Nothing to see here really.


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