> Dennis Clarke wrote:
>>> Martin Bochnig wrote:
>>>> James C. McPherson wrote:
> ...
>>> IMNSHO the bottom line is this - if you want to have a fair
>>> crack at seeing what ZFS can do for you, you need a 64bit
>>> processor and 1Gb of ram.
>>   let's be more honest and say 4GB of RAM and dual 64-bit procs
> No, that's not necessary.

  necessary ?  no.  Throw in ZFS and it may well be.

>>   I am beginning to think that ZFS is a feature of Vista because it
>> seems to eat all available RAM endlessly.  My snv_52 machine here has a
>> zpool on it and a few ZFS filesystems.  No one is logged in graphically,
>> there is one user, me.  I'm doing nothing.  Look here :
>> bash-3.1# vmstat 5
>>  kthr      memory            page            disk          faults      cpu
>>  r b w   swap  free  re  mf pi po fr de sr f0 m5 m6 m7   in   sy   cs us
>> sy id
>>  0 0 0 1109032 161304 1   5  8  4  4  0 10 -0  0  0  0  539  145  152  0
>> 3 97
>>  0 0 0 920696 23352   1   5  8  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  738   77  523  0
>> 5 95
>>  0 0 0 920680 23312   1   3 13  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0  510   69  116  0
>> 1 99
>> ^C
> I would have thought you'd realise that showing a mere 15 seconds
> worth of vmstat output -- with a 5 second granularity -- is pretty
> useless to illustrate your point.

  right .. would you like a plot of data collected over a 24 hour period
with 5 sec samples?  They will all show free memory in the basement.


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