Peter Buckingham wrote:
Hi All,

Honeycomb is a unique archival storage product developed within Sun. It is built upon a clustered system and provides strong reliability guarantees for it's data storage (Write-Once, Read Many) and metadata.

We (the development team) would like to start to provide information about the system. The intention is to make it significantly easier for people to start developing applications with Honeycomb in mind and to be able work with people on developing Solaris appliances.

The intention is to initially put up the whitepaper and some documentation to be followed by the SDK and Honeycomb emulator.

What about source code ? I think for this to be an OpenSolaris project I'd want to see source. OpenSolaris isn't a general Sun site for all stuff.

Unless you are going to provide the source code for Honeycomb under an OSI approved license *and* the intent is this becomes part of OpenSolaris distributions then it is '-1' from me. This isn't the appropriate hosting site.

Darren J Moffat
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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