> Hello Shawn,
> Wednesday, January 31, 2007, 4:01:33 AM, you wrote:
> SW> I think the barriers to contribution are
> currently the biggest
> SW> discouragement. Integration of even the smallest
> changes can take a very long time.
> Not that you get code integration in Linux world
> instantaneously
> especially when you're a new and not well known
> member. Even people
> from IBM have problems with integration into Linux
> kernel - see
> kprobes.
> I don't think we can afford to quickly integrate
> everything just to
> encourage.

That's not what people like me are asking for. We're just asking for the amount 
of time it takes to integrate to be reasonably proportional to the size and 
scope of the change. There have been putbacks that were purely cosmetic in 
nature that still took weeks to integrate, as an example, when they should have 
taken days at most.

> -- 
> Best regards,
> Robert
> ttp://milek.blogspot.com

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