>  Yes, because Sun employees are the majority of
>  engineers that understand and 
> can work with the code. A good majority of the
>  folks
>  outside of Sun have not 
>  even pulled or looked at the sources. You don't
>  expect the engineers who have 
> been working on this code for man years to just
>  allow
>  any willy-nilly person 
> to have some willy-nilly patch accepted and
>  putback,
>  do you?
>  Do you have a patch/fix that you would like to
>  submit?
> I have the ability to submit patches  in a significant
> way but I am not gonna bother doing it until basics
> are fixed - I do not believe it's a fair and
> intuitive process that OpenSolaris has currently. It
> is not open enough, it has intolerable red tapism
> and it can only work in the interests of Sun.
> Someone independent is needed to control the affairs
> and the process should be designed with inputs from
>  community rather than dictated by Sun.  

   Lets see to create a patch your going to need a bug id that tracks the 
patch.  No problem
file a bug and get a contributors agreement to supply the patch to.   Hey I 
have a great 
idea what if there was a 'suggested fix' in the bug database to put the patch 
in.  Wait there
is a suggested fix field.  But this is not part of the opensolaris community.   
But then somebody
internal to Sun see a flaw with the patch and adds a comment to the comment 
field to 
fix it.  But that is not part of the opensolaris community either.  But the Sun 
engineers can
work with you through the resolution of the bug and patch.  Or are patches 
applied willy-nilly
without a way to track and communicate what is going on just not viewable by 
the community?
Did you want the community to be part of this?

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