On 2/3/07, S Destika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
As I said I tried on 8 different boxes without luck. I don't even have any 
place to (except paid Sun support which I cannot afford) ask for help. (I 
analyzed where the issues posted on these forums go and didn't feel like it 
would help me posting here. Same goes with bug reports.)

sorry to hear that, neither of these boxes actually booted? have you
run the Sun Device Detection Tool[1]?
if you need help with solaris there is #opensolaris and #solaris in
freenode (irc) and there are lots and lots of mailing lists including
those in opensolaris.org
you can always submit a bug report or rfc about your problem, the
opensolaris community is trying hard to solve issues and it has
improved significantly in many ways, people are running nexenta and
other distros in their laptops these days, we also have a modern gnome
desktop that matches any linux offering but we dont have a crystal
ball we cannot know whether there is a problem or not with a device if
there is no user complaining about it, and there is no reason to
invest time ( remember time = money) in a device when there is no user


[1] http://www.sun.com/bigadmin/hcl/hcts/device_detect.html
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