Stephen Hahn wrote:
* Ghee Teo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-02-12 13:16]:
Simon Phipps wrote:
I'd suggest that, as we have a member-based system emerging right now, maybe we should have a list as Roy suggests that's writable only by Core Contributors (readable by all). Time for an "opensolaris-core" list perhaps, a place for substantive discussion of issues facing the community, and hustings for the forthcoming elections
Thus open up another question, who is qualified to be a member. Do we have on a set of subjective of contribution criteria which are encompassing more than just engineers? Can the membership be reviewed and approved by leaders and its appointed subcommitee of each of the OpenSolaris communities.

  Core Contributors, the only voting member class, are proposed by each
  Community Group.  As such, Community Groups like Marketing are
  permitted (and expected) to have different criteria--I hope involving
  an equivalent amount of time or energy--suited to the activities that
  each Community Group sponsors.  The Board would only step in in the
  case of inactivity or abuse of Community Group privilege.

  (Please consider reading the draft Constitution.)
        Cool, and where is the draft constitution?

  - Stephen

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