Laszlo (Laca) Peter wrote:
On Fri, 2007-02-23 at 11:52 -0500, James Carlson wrote:
I doubt it.  These sound like the most trivial of fast-tracks to
me. Most are probably closed-approved-automatic.
You mean if the fast-track only deals with the name space and not
with the technology itself?
No.  That's not really the point.

When you have a project that does something obvious enough that no
discussion about it is really warranted and all the issues have
already been reviewed by some other project, then it may fall under
"automatic approval" guidelines.  See:

This covers the case where we already have "N" of something, and "N+1"
comes along.  Provided that "N+1" follows all the norms for such
things (it isn't deliberately doing something 'unusual'), it can be

Hmm... I don't think I can word the initial ARC case in such a way
that adding a new binary to /usr/bin or a library to /usr/lib
does not count as
 o  "introduc(ing) new interfaces visible outside their own project"

That's where automatic approvals come in - they're often used for just
adding yet another driver because someone has made a new device that
doesn't work with existing drivers, but the driver works like all other
drivers of it's class.

I've used them for updates to existing X.Org interfaces - "we said we're
tracking the community, the community added a new API function or CLI
option, we're doing that too."

So once you've delivered a few GNU tools, others that integrated following
the existing model, and which everyone would look at and say "yeah, that's
exactly what's expected based on past cases", would probably qualify as
approved automatic - you file the paperwork for the record, notify the ARC,
and unless anyone complains, you're done.    (And this is fasttrack level
paperwork - just describe the interfaces - no one-pager, no twenty questions.)

        -Alan Coopersmith-           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
         Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering
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