A few days ago I was having a meeting with a couple of (traditional Chinese) 
Linux developers/executives who are making their living bidding on government 
projects to help schools and governmental agencies at various levels to move 
their desktops and servers from Windows to open-source software.

I wanted to mention something about OpenSolaris (these guys are open to base 
their businesses on any open-sourced "distro") but I realized that, at least in 
the area of traditional Chinese, Solaris seems to have recently regressed to an 
embarrassing extent that I better keep my mouth shut (in public, that is).  
Since both traditional and simplified Chinese locales are so tightly 
intertwined, probably not much good can be said with respect to the latter, 
either.  I also couldn't find any blog entry that discusses experiences of 
using of Solaris in either Chinese locale.

I must admit that my negative comments (with respect to the poor state which 
the traditional Chinese locale is in) to a large extent stem from my inability 
to find written material that can teach me how to wisely use the Chinese 
locale(s).  I am very positive, however, that things will improve in due 
course, including StarSuite (inclusive of version 8, update 4), which currently 
is un-usable (& thus un-salable).
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