> Dennis Clarke wrote:
>> The data you have in hand clearly says that you have a pile of people
>> that do actually download the CDROM images.  This is the same as the large
>> pile of people out there running Solaris 8.  I don't think we can simply
>> shut the door on them without fair warning.  Well, some warning at least.
> No one said anything about changing the way any pre-Nevada release is
> delivered, so those people happily running Solaris 8 will still have
> their CD's - and the people proposing this said it's been announced
> on the Solaris Express site for the past two years now (I don't remember
> how to log in there to check).

I have a Solaris Express subscription and I guess I could check.

Either way .. it doesn't matter.  The floppy is dead.  The QIC tape is
dead and Solaris 8 has passed its last ship date.  Thank God.

The CDROM as a media needs to just die also.  Same with the DVD.
Its just landfill.  Junk that will never decompose.


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