On 2/24/07, Eric Boutilier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sat, 24 Feb 2007, Moinak Ghosh wrote:
> Ananth Shrinivas wrote:
>>> Would you have a problem with DVD-only images for SX:CE?   Do you have
>>> systems you use for OpenSolaris that don't have DVD drives and that
>>> you can't netinstall from another system or Live Upgrade from a mounted
>>> image?
>> No problem for me. But YES for a bunch of students who are trying to
>> get their feet wet with OpenSolaris. There is already some
>> bad-mouthing about how the Developer Edition needs a truckload of RAM
>> to just install. We don't want people to compare Solaris hardware
>> requirements with that of the Vista beast :-(
>   More so when Developer Edition can actually run fine
>   with half the RAM that is required to install it.

Moinak -- I think that's 128 MB, correct? Don't you need way more than 128
to effectively run a SX Developer Edition Desktop? (I'm presuming we're
talking about simultaneously running at least X/GNOME, multiple
gnome-terminals, and Firefox.)

i used to run solaris 10 and old nevadas with 256 mb of ram, it was
pretty usable till you opened mozilla and used it for a while (a few
hours), then it would start complaining about lack of memory to spawn
new processes and such, that with an old jds, i assume things are
worse now with the more hungry gnome and firefox. i also had 256 mb of
i think 512mb is a more accurate limit, but 384mb should be enough

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