Alan Coopersmith wrote:

For Xorg on sparc, I didn't list you because you have not yet
contributed anything to the X Community - but I was also very
unsure who to list when I generated the list of Core Contributors.
I'm sure once we get going on integrating your work into the X
Community, you'll count as a Core Contributor for X in the future,
but my understanding was Contributor status was supposed to reflect
past results, not future plans.

Okay, I indeed didn't publish any diffs (so far).
But at least the working binaries (April 2006, as part of marTux_0.1), for the first time ever a functional Xorg for sparc-Solaris ( see ). And I hence _showed_ that a once neglected (or probably forever deferred) project could be turned into reality easily and quickly, with not too much headaches. The required patches were so damn small initially (Xorg 6.9.0), that I didn't even dare to release them as actual "patches", because you might have loughed.

My achievement may not be huge porting work in this case, but _that_ I didn't give up in getting things built __plus__(!) properly working. You now _know_, THAT IT IS POSSIBLE to easily bring Xorg to sparc (and even sparcv9 kernels). That's in my eyes not a vague future announcement thing, but a benefit you already have.

The full diffs will be released until March31st, including afb and ffb support (based on 7.2.0).


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