Martin Bochnig wrote:
if you do see a difference {community  <--versus--> project}, then okay.
i would appreciate it, if someone could and actually would explain it to me.

I believe that there are several different/conflicting definitions
in play:

Scenario #1: The proposed constitution

ARTICLE VII. Community Groups

    7.1. Purpose. In order to promote a diversity of activities
         within the OpenSolaris Community and to provide a means
         for self-governance within those activities, the Open-
         Solaris Community is held to be composed of Community
         Groups that are initiated by the OGB for the purpose of
         focused management and accomplishment of a given set of
         activities. Community Groups are, in turn, responsible
         for initiating and managing projects to accomplish those

The OS.o website definitions:

    OpenSolaris communities are social groups whose members engage
    in open conversations and will have representation in the
    governance process.  Although communities do not have source
    repositories, it's expected that communities will endorse
    technical projects and have projects of their own.

    OpenSolaris projects are collaborative efforts that produce
    objects such as code changes, documents, graphics, or
    collaboratively authored products.  Projects will have code
    repositories and committers and can live within a community or

The majority of existing OS.o communities:

    A community can also be a collection of people interested in a
    common aspect of OpenSolaris, such as User Groups, Marketing,
    or Performance.  The "projects" spawned by these communities
    tend to be specializations of the umbrella group (one for each
    city where there is a user group, one for each performance
    enhancement effort...); these communities do not necessarily
    "have" a source tree, but rather leverage one or more other

The "traditional Solaris Perspective

    A community corresponds to a component or technology.  Or maybe
    a better analogy is a C-Team.  It controls a source tree, and
    acts as a gatekeeper for changes that go into its component.

    A community also spawns projects (development efforts) that may
    in the future integrate back into its source tree.

    This is exemplified by the OpenSolaris ON and JDS Communities.


I would like to see this evolve into an environment where there are
three types of grouping:  COMPONENTS, COMMUNITIES and PROJECTS.

COMPONENTS (such as ON, Documentation, JDS) would be very much like
C-Teams or Steering Committees.  They manage source trees and  have
a set of PROJECTS under development.  COMPONENTS will require a long
term commitment and a small set of core developers to guide them over
their lifecycles.   Think of traditional Sun Consolidations, Source
Forge projects, and the various Apache efforts.  The tasks related
to managing a COMPONENT are gatekeeping, publishing of "releases",
program management, prioritization of PROJECTS, schedule related
decision making, etc.

Next come COMMUNITIES, which are the social groups that do things
that cross COMPONENT boundaries.  They have their own web and hg
archive repositories, but their focus is on leveraging some common
theme across many COMPONENTS.  User Groups, Performance, Security,
ARC and Marketing all fit here.  COMMUNITIES are expected to be
cheap and easy to create by anyone (think Yahoo/Google/NetNews
groups).  They are also easy to disband. Among their "tasks" is
to be a fertile source for new ideas that drive the creation of

Finally, PROJECTS are where development work actually gets done.
PROJECTS fall out of the daily evolution and growth of COMPONENTS
as they interact with the various COMMUNITIES.  Think of
PROJECTS being equivalent to bugfixes and RFEs... PROJECTS can
be managed (ARC, design and code reviews, schedules and
roadmaps, ...) have sets of contributers (core and otherwise)
affiliated with them, and integrate back into their COMPONENT.
PROJECTS can be nested, providing for things like a PRINTING
PROJECT having bugfixing subprojects  as well as new feature
developments like Presto and Tamarack within its scope.


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