On 06/04/07, Chung Hang Christopher Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The functionality of apt to perform a dist-upgrade
> (Chung, is that what you're
> talking about?) is nothing of the sorts where
> Solaris allows you to perform
> an upgrade to a seperate partition/slice and move
> your configuration and/or
> changes to the new boot envirionment.

Yes, well, a network enabled dist upgrade or package
upgrade are the two things I would be looking for.
Unless there are tools to help maintain hundreds of
servers which are divided into different groups

Yes, Sun has tools available to manage updates (such as Sun Update
Connection, etc.).

Plus there are a few community ones available such as Bruce Riddle's:


Being able to do an dist-upgrade to get that latest
driver for a cluster of boxes is a major plus
especially if the boxes are remote (as in another
country) and you would rather not have to call some
dumb data centre operator and feed the operator instructions.

Doing a dist-upgrade for a new driver seems a bit of an overkill and
highly unlikely. Do you have a better example?

"Less is only more where more is no good." --Frank Lloyd Wright

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://binarycrusader.blogspot.com/
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