Alan DuBoff wrote:
On Tue, 10 Apr 2007, Darren J Moffat wrote:

The "easy" way to do this might be to change the files repository case to not have an auto_home managed, after all if you are using files for the automount map in nsswitch.conf chances are the mounts are local rather than NFS anyway. That would actually allow 'mkdir /home/user' to work.

So remove this line from /etc/auto_master:

/home           auto_home       -nobrowse

I usually add:

* localhost:/export/home/&

so that it will mount them from where I want them.

Thats actually what I do as well just now, but when I reinstall my laptop from scratch to be all ZFS I'll not be doing that but instead I'll be having automounter not managing /home and it just being a filesystem in the ZFS pool (with another filesystem delegated to the user that is their home dir).

I have /export/home as the mount point to a zfs filesystem (tank/home in my case, but tank is the pool).

One of the things I've considered is that when we have ZFS install as default (at least for Solaris Express Developer Edition) would be that /home/ is a ZFS filesystem and so is /home/user and automounter in that case is not managing /home either because ZFS is. This saves us an lofs mount for each home dir.

So, you're saying it's better to have the home directory setting in passwd point directly to /export/home/user in my case, than it is to point to /home/user and using the above directive in auto_home?

No I'm saying that in the laptop or other case where you are not using NIS, NIS+ or LDAP why bother using automounter to manage /home why not just make /home a UFS or ZFS filesystem and avoid the lofs mount that automounter ends up doing.

BTW, I got that line from you previously, and it's worked fine!;-)

Yeah I know, and I was about to type under it that I remembered talking to you about that hint when you were installing Jonathan's Ferrari 3400!

Darren J Moffat
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