Manoj Joseph wrote:
Darren J Moffat wrote:
Manoj Joseph wrote:
Bart Smaalders wrote:

We really want our home directories today to always be /home/<user>
in /etc/passwd; that way things Just Work (TM) when we move from
host to host.

I agree that it makes a lot of sense to be consistent.

But hey, the installer, by default creates the filesystem '/export/home' and the name seems to suggest that that is the place to house home directories.

Is that not the intent of that filesystem? Am I just confused? ;)

It is traditionally that is for the actual local filesystem store of the home directories on the NFS server. It is just our installer isn't aware of what the system is used for. It also dates back to an era when many people had their home dir locally on their workstation but shared them out.

'NIS account + NFS hosted home' is typical inside SWAN.

But for many, 'no NIS + local account' is what is needed - even in this era. ;)

For such systems, it makes sense for the slice that now (by default) holds '/export/home' to host the home folder by default.

See my other post for a proposal to bring us into a more modern era - basically turn off /home as an automount point when only using local files for nsswitch.conf's automount database.

Yes, and Bart's suggestion of having the automounter do lofs mount also sounds good.

But automount already does to the lofs mount. The problem is that there is two fold:

1) If we continue to insist on creating /export/home during install the following entry probably should be in /etc/auto_home
* localhost:/export/home/&

2) useradd needs to understand that when /home is an autofs filesystem you can't mkdir in there.

smc(1M) - the GUI and CLI - already has this knowledge that when you create a local user you do the mkdir in /export/home and you add an /etc/auto_home entry for them and set the home dir in passwd(4) to be /home/<user>. But of course everyone complains Solaris is too hard and different and doesn't have a GUI to create users but doesn't bother to use the one we do have that actually does the correct thing for files, NIS, NIS+ and LDAP!

Your suggestion of using zfs do the nfs/local mounts sounds good. But it means that we would have to wait for the installer to become zfs aware...

I didn't say have ZFS do anything with nfs/local mounts. What I said was stop using automounter to manage /home and make /home be a ZFS filesystem (or UFS for that mater) but only if the automount data source in nsswitch.conf is set to files.

Now that I think about it a bit more the best short term fix is probably to add the '* localhost:/export/home/&' line to /etc/auto_home and fix useradd(1M) to mkdir in /export/home if that entry exists and automount is set to files.

Darren J Moffat
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