On 18/04/07, Thomas Rampelberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Shawn Walker wrote:
> On 17/04/07, Chung Hang Christopher Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> That is not my problem. I would not bother about this
>> if I was more than happy to drop in a DVD or a bunch
>> of CDs to 'upgrade' each box
> Except you don't even have to do that. All you need is an ISO image,
> no dropping DVDs CDs or any other media...
I'm sorry, but how is it okay to bring a production server down
completely and spend the 30 minutes it's gonna take to get a flash
archive on a server, and then  the other hour or more it'll take you to
regression test EVERYTHING, since who knows what really happened ... to
update a single package? If you've got thousands of servers to manage
and upgrade, you'll have to simply hire update minions, I know that I
sure don't have time for that.

If you really only had one package to deploy across multiple servers,
you're aware that you can do that all from one server and from the
command line right?

You took my talk about flash archives to assume I was implying that it
was the solution in all cases, the original context was upgrading a
significant number of things, not one or two items.

Besides, how upgrading one or more packages different then rolling out
a new image?

You still need to test the environment, etc. because "who knows what happened!?"

I will simply agree to disagree on this particular point. Everyone has
a preferred way of doing things. However, just because your way is not
available does not mean something is broken.

"Less is only more where more is no good." --Frank Lloyd Wright

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://binarycrusader.blogspot.com/
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