Belenix is Ok. I have read and install Belenix ... and downloading the
remastering kit.
Not yet success.

Anyway, i have FTP access @Home, not @Office. with speed just 5kbs :D

In your opinion which one is more appropriate for "server" ? As i see
Belenix is targeted to "DESKTOP",
i prefer Schilix, as it os Ok for not having XWindows etc.

Belenix "advancement" in its capability for remastering is great, but i
am questioning its vision towards Desktop. For me, Linux is enough.
Their desktop is excellence enough. Event remastering Knoppix is
extremely simple.

I propose Belenix move towards Server. If thats the path, i will be very
happy with your remastering kit ...

Best regards,

Eko Budhi S

On Wed, 2007-04-18 at 18:58, Joerg Schilling wrote:
> "Anil Gulecha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If you can hack around with the scripts, you can add this to BeleniX, the
> > opensolaris LiveCD.
> >
> > If your application isnt very big (under 1 mb).. you can easily add that to
> > the miniroot of BeleniX, so the distributed version (On USB or CD) will
> > contian your applications.
> >
> > The upcoming release of BeleniX would make addition of utilities much
> > simpler.. but you'll have to wait for a couple of weeks.
> As he has no ftp access, things seem to be hard for him....
> Jörg

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