Alan DuBoff wrote:
On Wed, 25 Apr 2007, Alan Coopersmith wrote:

Stephen Hahn sent repeated mails to each community over a 6 month+ period.

Really, I don't remember seeing them, I wonder if they were sent to device-driver-interest or where? I'll look back and see if I missed those, but don't remember any, this is the first I've heard of it.

I don't see them here though...????

They were sent to just the community leaders, not to the mailing lists of
each community.

No one from the Device Drivers community responded with a single name of
a person who should be recognized as a Contributor to the community and
a member of the community's decision making body.

Where were those emails sent to repeatedly, do you know?

To the leaders of the communities - I've attached one of the ones I got,
which was cc'ed to you and the other leaders of the Device Driver community
as you can see in it's header.

In case that missed anyone, a later call went out to opensolaris-discuss
and opensolaris-code:

It's most interesting that not one of the dozen Device Driver Community Leaders responded to those repeated inquiries.

Very much so - we've all been wondering why you didn't respond.

As an engineer, don't you find those statistics quite astonishing? I mean, engineers are typically not the shy types and will typically voice their participation, yet in this case something fell through the cracks.

No, most other communities have selected people who can vote to make
decisions for the community.

Is it possible to get a rundown somewhere of which communities responded and/or where their messages were sent?

Agreed - but we haven't got that far yet.

If there's communities that are defunct we should get rid of them. Your position is annoying, as a person representing the OGB, that you didn't find it odd that not one of the dozen community leaders responded.

I found it very odd and have said so repeatedly before.   This was brought
up when the previous OGB had to step in and name Garrett D'Amore, Masayuki Murayama, and Juergen Keil as core contributors because the Device Drivers
community had failed to do so:

Of course, Device Drivers seems like a valid community, so the OGB is more
likely to agree to a proposal to establish a valid set of Contributors to
run it than to shut it down - but for now, there is no one who can claim to
speak for the Device Drivers community or vote to take action on it's behalf.

        -Alan Coopersmith-           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
         Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering

--- Begin Message ---
   Work on the governance documents for the OpenSolaris Community has
   closed on a draft that is nearly ready for ratification:

   This draft has garnered legal approval and is moving towards
   ratification by Sun Microsystems, prior to seeking community-wide

   As I wrote in June,

        A key aspect of all the drafts is that the Communities are
        expected to identify their Contributors and Core Contributors.
        These lists will then be used to generate rolls of eligible
        Voting Members for the election of new Governing Board members,
        and to ratify the initial version of the Constitution.

   I've included Section 3.3, Roles, and Sections 7.7 - 7.8,
   "Contributors" and "Core Contributors" from the draft Constitution
   below; you may also wish to skim Section 8, which describes how the
   distinctions apply to Community Group consensus.

   I have heard from the following Community Groups:  Approachability,
   BrandZ, Desktop, Documentation, DTrace, I18N, Immigrants, Marketing,
   Networking, Performance, PPC, SMF, Test, Tools, User Groups, ZFS, and
   Zones.  (That leaves over half of the Community Groups
   unrepresented.)  If you or your fellow leads wish to review or revise
   your initial Contributors and Core Contributors, please contact me
   directly; a topic for Governing Board discussion will be how to
   address Community Groups that do not identify three Core

   Please send me your list by 29 November.
   Questions may also be sent to any of Jim Grisanzio, myself, or the
   OGB alias.



   3.3. Roles. Various terms are used to describe the people who are involved
   in the OpenSolaris Community efforts, based on their recognized
   contributions, length of commitment, and current activity. The OpenSolaris
   Community recognizes four levels of involvement by registered persons:

    1. Participant. Any registered person who participates in the OpenSolaris
       Community, either through general discussion areas or within one or
       more Community Group efforts, shall be termed an OpenSolaris
    2. Contributor. A participant who has been acknowledged by one or more
       Community Groups as having substantively contributed toward
       accomplishing the tasks of that Community Group, or by the OGB for
       at-large contributions, shall be termed an OpenSolaris Contributor.
       Such designation is permanent and persists regardless of the person's
       current level of activity or status within the Community. A
       Contributor may request that their status not be published or
       published only in the form of a pseudonym that is unique within the
    3. Core Contributor. A Contributor who is an active and sustained
       contributor to any Community Group and accepts designation as such by
       said Group shall be termed a Core Contributor for said Group and
       granted the status of Member for the OpenSolaris Community as a whole.
    4. Emeritus Contributor. A former Core Contributor whose prior grants of
       Core Contributor status have all expired, or who has voluntarily
       resigned from Core Contributor status by declining all grants, is
       termed an Emeritus Contributor. Emeritus Contributor is a designation
       of respect for Core Contributors who have moved on to activities
       outside the OpenSolaris Community or who are temporarily unable to
       perform the duties of a Member. An Emeritus Contributor can return to
       Core Contributor status by acquiring and accepting new designations of
       Core Contributor status.


   7.7. Contributors. The Contributors of a Community Group shall include
   every person who has been designated by the Core Contributors of that
   Group to have contributed substantively to that Group's efforts, including
   (but not limited to) every person who has contributed intellectual
   property to the OpenSolaris Community as a result of those efforts.

   7.8. Core Contributors. The initial Core Contributors of a Community Group
   shall be determined by the OGB when the Community Group is initiated;
   thereafter, the Core Contributors shall consist of those Participants that
   have accepted the Group's designation as a Core Contributor for that
   Group. Designation as a Core Contributor requires nomination of a
   Participant by an existing Core Contributor, followed by a Group decision
   by consensus vote to approve that designation, and finally acceptance of
   the designation by the Participant. Each such designation shall hold for a
   period of two (2) years, or until that Core Contributor's earlier
   resignation, removal, or death. In addition, each designation of Core
   Contributor status results in a grant of Member status for the OpenSolaris
   Community as a whole, with a duration of two (2) years from the date of
   said grant, as described in sections 4.2 and 4.3 above. A Core Contributor
   may be removed by consensus vote of the other Core Contributors or by
   expulsion from the OpenSolaris Community.

Stephen Hahn, PhD  Solaris Kernel Development, Sun Microsystems

--- End Message ---
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