Thanks a ton! I have updated the blog to incorporate most of your suggestions.


MC wrote:
The guide looks good, exactly what the community needs.  The website folks will 
love it I'm sure.

I'll ask questions and comment to help you improve it for newbies like myself:

1) Why are the slices 0, 1, 5, 7 instead of 0, 1, 2, 3? 2) What is the "Modify" column for? Can you add a "space" column for clarity?
3) You say "I chose to not preserve data", yet the console output says otherwise?  
"c0d0         PRI DOS         18293   9143    preserved"
4) As a newbie reading this for the first time, I don't know why c0d0, c0d0s0, 
c0t0d0s0, etc are all being thrown around.  There is probably a two sentence 
explanation for what each prefix means and why the number of used prefixes 
change with the wind.

5) Grammar: "It is critical to note that you not reboot" ¿  Suggestion for clarity: the "init 
6" method of restarting is the only this will work.  Make sure you restart using "init 6" from 
the console.

6) Someone might follow this through without reading it over first.  So maybe put 
"Make sure to completely read the section on Using BFU before you go through with 
the BFU." before the BFU section starts, instead of just at the end ;)

7) - "the archived from" + "the archive from"
8) I don't get this - "For you to be able to do this, the development partition 
needs to be mounted in the / slice."  It reads like you can only replace existing OS 
files with newly-built files when the OS is on the / slice.  Is that really the case?

Again, good guide!
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