> Those in the enterprise that travel as part of their
> job might
> need a laptop, so that they have functionality
> independent of
> connectivity to the servers.

Yes, but what do they need Windows for? Office functionality, and better, and 
then some, is provided for by OpenOffice. They don't need a Windows laptop that 
they can break playing around with when they are bored; they need to connect 
via VPN and use their Office documents. And that's much easier and simpler to 
provide with a Solaris laptop than a Windows one.

> Those that are in R&D
> or whatever,
> such that they need access to high-end 3D graphics,
> or need lower
> latency disk access than NFS can provide, probably
> will
> need a desktop and not just a Sun Ray.  Now, that
> desktop could
> perhaps be loaded in such a way that it booted
> diskless and used the
> local disk if any strictly for cachefs (at least with
> respect to OS
> filesystems; if latency were an issue, app data
> filesystems might be local)
> and swap, making it in effect a thin client of sorts,
> if not quite as easily administered as a Sun Ray.
> So I'd say even fairly typical enterprises might have
> some limited use
> for non-thin-clients that some end users might
> interact directly with.
> JumpStart, flash archives, careful configuration
> choices, and other
> installation and administration tools and
> considerations could mitigate
> but not quite eliminate the overhead of
> administration for those.

And you might be very much right, except we were concentrating on "mom 'n' pop" 
startups / small businesses.  And for those, in 99% of the cases, they don't 
need a high powered workstation. Most small firms have a single white box PC! 
Remember, there is a world of difference between a Europan startup (tiny, with 
cash out one's own pocket) versus a typical American startup (few million 
dollars of venture capital).

Two completely different worlds. Two completely different mentalities, 
attitudes, and priorities, at least in my personal experience.
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