On 14/05/07, Gerald Henriksen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Mon, 14 May 2007 20:51:03 +0200, you wrote:

>>Yes, what you say is all true: we can take it up with vendors for
>>driver support or purchase NVidi a graphics cards. But the far more
>>realistic alternative is just switch to Linux and not deal with it.
>>From the point of view of a desktop, it's the best of all possible
>>worlds: it's like Unix and o ne enjoys tons of software, open source or
>>otherwise, your hardware will generally work, and there' s a huge user
>>base. It's called the network effect:
>How does switching to Linux help here?
>- Does any of the Linux installations come with a pre-installed
>  3D accelerated graphics?

Yes.  Fedora ships will 3D accelerated support on the latest Intel
chipsets, which I believe will run Compiz, as Intel is actively
helping develop the open source drivers in Xorg for thier chips.

Which basically covers a fairly small portion of the enthusiast
market. Most enthusiasts, especially those with something other than a
laptop, are going to have ATi or nVidia. That's the point being made.

Intel may have a large share of the overall market, but they don't
exactly paint the picture of "cool" or "high performing" yet with
their graphics hardware.

>- What happened again if you installed such a driver and tried to
>  upgrade X/the kernel/etc?

For Intel, nothing as the driver is part of Xorg.

Which again is irrelevant, since he is pointing out a deficiency in
the Linux world -- no stable driver API.

With Fedora you can use the 3rd party rpms from freshrpms.net that use
dkms to automatically recompile the kernel drivers with every kernel
change which means kernel changes are not an issue unless the kernel
changes something (not very common).

Actually, it's very common. I'm on a private beta driver list for one
of the big two graphics card companies. Almost every kernel upgrade
breaks their driver.

"Less is only more where more is no good." --Frank Lloyd Wright

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://binarycrusader.blogspot.com/
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