>FreeBSD's utilities in contrast check for the largest required width and 
>adjusts output accordingly:

>-rwsr-s--x   1 oracle   dba      133894000 Mai 29  2006 oracle*
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 oracle   dba        1339524 Mai 19  2006 oratclsh*
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 oracle   dba             48 Sep 25  2000 oraxml*
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 oracle   dba             48 Sep 25  2000 oraxsl*
>-rwxr-xr-x   1 oracle   dba       10636376 Mai 29  2006 proc*

There's this thing with "cut" which makes such output problematic.

>So even If you don't see the absolute numbers you quickly realize that 
>"oracle" is two magnitudes larger than "oratclsh".
>If df had a similar output, I'd prefer this:
>            8388608    3041200   5347408    37%
>           33554432    1605719  31794110     5%
>           62914560   37766679  14129948    73%
>           62914560   11017932  14129948    44%
>         1535901696 1187247048 263079735    82%
>          134217728   32200480  74728050    31%
>            4194304    1392793   2801511    34%
>over this any time:
>               8.0G   2.9G   5.1G    37%
>                32G   1.5G    30G     5%
>                60G    36G    13G    73%
>                60G    11G    13G    44%
>               1.4T   1.1T   251G    82%
>               128G    31G    71G    31%
>               4.0G   1.3G   2.7G    34%
>I don't count digits. I just memorize patterns. More digits => larger size.

Sometimes it's nice to know what the size is when you want to do something

I must admit, though, that I do not like the way we currently split
these values; e.g., I prefer 1438G over 1.4T (loss of precision, one
space sacrificed to a useless ".".  Similarly for 2713M over 2.7G

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