>Solaris used to have two separate instances of executable binaries (e.g. 
>ifconfig, sh etc). One instance in /usr/sbin and another separate 
>instance in /sbin


>The /sbin executables were statically linked and were not dependent on 
>libraries found in /usr/lib or /lib

Not completely true; in S9 14 were statically linked, 16 dynamically.

In reality this was the set of programs needed to mount /usr.

The dynamically linked programs (such as ifconfig) used the
dynamic linked in /etc/lib and had their library path pointed
there also.

>One possible scenario the above avoided was an accidental corruption of 
>dependent dynamic linked libraries. If any of the libraries were 
>corrupted or accidentally deleted, the system would still boot using the 
>static linked Bourne shell and /sbin executables.
>At least the above was the original rationale.

The main reason was likely that /usr contained the libraries and it
was not initially mounted.

>Thus the previous rationale for a root shell to stay as the Borne shell 
>was simple. Less dependencies, less could go wrong (during boot up).


>Now it seems the critical binaries in /sbin are also dynamically linked.


>Perhaps Casper Dik could state the rationale behind this change of 
>policy. I am very curious indeed.

What change of policy?

The reason we did away with static linking was because of the
large amount of issues we had from having a thread library
separate from libc; the merger of the two made a static library
not only impractical but even impossible.

To continue to be able to mount "/usr", much of /usr/lib was moved
to /lib as a consequence.

>Curiously, the change in policy gives yet another reason why /usr should 
>not be a separate file system. (Another hot and religious topic. I am a 
>very strong advocate of /usr being inside root)


>Another reason not to use BASH as the root shell would be that there is 
>no RBAC profile BASH shell. There are profile shells for sh (actually a 
>simple soft link), ksh and csh but none for BASH.

QUite, though for root this matter less.  The pf* shells are an implementation
artefact which I am planning on fixing so you can have pfanysh (including

>BASH also occupies more memory. But to each his or her own. I have 
>nothing against people using BASH. I just don't recommend it as a root 
>Please don't BASH me ok? Otherwise BASH advocates would gain a rather 
>violent reputation......

I would say that from an technical point of few there is no longer
a reason not to change root's shell as all shells are dynamically linked.

I'd suggest merging /usr with /, just in case, but bash does not depend
on anything from /usr either, it seems.

I've changed root's shell on a number of systems, therefor it cannot
be wrong :-)

'nuf said.

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