> > 1.  I think the way it is structured is perfect
> (what
> > else could be easier than simply executing a
> one-line
> > command?).
> "Not executing a one-line command" is far easier :)

Of course theoretically someone can always negotiate a set of licenses to 
include, respectively, mplayer and a myriad of associated codecs into the 
distro.  But I envision Solaris to be an enterprise OS, & there are definitely 
other much more important things for Sun's developers to spend their time & 
mind on.

In Linux, you have to first add an appropriate repository, then execute an 
apt-get, yum, yast, or whathaveyou, command to install mplayer.  This is much 
easier said than done.  The one-line command is the next best thing.

That said, I really would like to see the multimedia packages installed in 
/opt, so I can move them around.
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