On Tue, 2007-07-24 at 03:53 -0700, UNIX admin wrote:
> > Hopefully by the time Solaris 11 will be released, it
> > will be a
> > professional distribution which has had attention
> > spent not only on the
> > technical aspects by the interface in which
> > administrators interact with
> > the operating system.
> If it's a 'professional' distribution, then we don't need such things
> as eye-candy "Next -> Next -> Next" installer. Professionals use
> Flash(TM) archives and JumpStart(TM) for hands-off, non-interactive
> installation.

And you know, the world doesn't revolve around over paid UNIX admins
with craniums that reach to the ceilings. The vast majority of companies
out there are small to medium size, less than 100 people with servers
being maintained by someone who has an IT qualification from their local

Making it easy to install and maintain lowers the bar, ups the sales by
Sun in both hardware and software - all benefit from this. Microsoft
didn't grab a huge marketshare because of Bills sparkling personality -
I can bloody well assure you of that!

> The only reason Caiman is being worked on is because the majority of
> people out there quite falsely believe they need *a desktop*. Desktop
> will die, and will be eventually replaced with thin clients and
> applications running on an intranet or the InterNet, inside of a web
> browser.

Yes, and Sun and Ellison have been hammering on the same garbage for 10+
years and hasnn't eventuated into anything.

You may have wet dreams moving back to time sharing, pay for access to
huge mainframes and having cash extorted out each week but the vast
majority like things the way they are.

> Ironically enough, these applications will be powered by headless
> Solaris servers with *no desktop* and *no graphics* and installed not
> via a pretty GUI with pretty pictures, but via fully automated
> installation mechanism, aka JumpStart(TM).
> At any rate, that's what 'professional' should mean, not pretty well
> polished GUIs always playing catch-up with the command line tools.
> The only thing is getting into the people's skulls that they *don't*
> need a desktop, and that the network is the computer. Now that's a
> tough one. I equate it to getting the population literate throughout
> the middle ages. (They weren't called "dark ages" for nothing.

Again, this is the same garbage spewed by Sun and Ellison for 10+ years,
and again, nothing has happened. People are still running PC's, servers
are still serving, and the world is still spinning on an axis. PC's are
here to stay - Sun can either choose to 'rage against the machine' or
accept the status quo, deliver a top notch operating system, and give
the marketing department a right kick up the jaxy in terms of actually
evangelising the virtues of Solaris to more than just the pencil pushing
geeks in their crypts of organisations who have no say in what is used.


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