> Dennis Clarke wrote:
>>> There was a major power outage in SF that affected our servers.
>> three little letters :   U  P  S
>> better yet :   A P C
>> get some :-)
>    Heh, sometimes those three letters can themselves give up on your face:
>    http://blogs.sun.com/moinakg/entry/the_belenix_0_6_ride

on point 25 there .. I agree that APC service is excellent.

I have five units here that are 1200 VA each and then a 1500VA unit and a
few small guys kicking around.  That keeps five or six computers going as
well as some other devices.  The real trick is to do an orderly shut down
because most of these newer guys want USB connections and you just can't
plug that into the back of some of my boxes here.

the ultimate is the 48V big monster batteries I have in my server room. Two
man lift only at about 90Kg each I think.  Feels like a ton to lift. But the
run time is just amazing at well over 600 minutes.

oh well ... I see you have your fair share of APC events in your life also.

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