On Wed, 2007-07-25 at 01:55 -0700, Orvar Korvar wrote:
> I am trying to migrate totally to Solaris Express community build 67, and I 
> want DC++ however, in some DC++ hubs they only allow certain DC++ clients 
> from the Windows environment. (For bittorrent I use the java klient Azarus 
> which I found a Solaris package for. For VLC player and Winamp I use mplayer 
> and xmms. For MATLAB I will use Linux Brandz, or Wine windows).
> As for DC++ i thought I would use Wine to run a windows DC++ client. Then my 
> Solaris switch would be complete and I wouldnt lack any more software. Hence, 
> for the Windows switcher Wine is top priority no 1 because, for instance VLC 
> player there is a substitute, and for all other windows programs too. 
> The ideal would be to install Wine via blastwave pkg, but that doesnt work. I 
> have considered trying Brandz with Wine, but that sounds cumbersome. DC++ on 
> Wine on Linux on Solaris - too much trouble for a Solaris switch? It would be 
> far easier to just startup Windows then. And I doubt DC++ would work well too.
> Therefore I have laid much effort on trying to compile Wine for Solaris x86, 
> to no avail. There IS a solaris port of Wine, so I have tried the "Wine Patch 
> Kit" tarball from the top of
> http://www.blastwave.org/wine/
> and followed the instructions in the "Winemaking guide". However, my 
> compilation struggles a lot.
> It took some time for me to figure it out, that I can not use relative path 
> ways, but I must use absolute path in the guide. As I have figured it out, 
> Wine wants to have FontForge too. GAHHHH!!! I have downloaded FontForge from 
> CVS and it wont compile. It says something about "splinereg3.c multiply 
> defined" or something similar. 
> I have only one word to say:
> Can someone help me with this, and then we can submit Wine to blastwave as a 
> package?

Here is what I did. It took me about 10 minutes:

gtar xjvf freetype-2.3.5.tar.bz2 
gtar xjvf fontforge_full-20070607.tar.bz2


I had to edit the configure script by replacing all "grep"s with
Use sed or favorite editor.

./configure --prefix=/home/mark/local
gmake install

cd ..

gtar xjvf wine-0.9.41.tar.bz2 
cd wine-0.9.41 

./configure --prefix=/home/mark/local
 gmake depend && gmake

gmake install

cd ..
wine ./DCPlusPlus-0.699.exe 
wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/DC++/DCPlusPlus.exe

And everything works fine!
Ok, the fonts look like crap but that can probably be solved by
installing the MS fonts or something. I didn't investigate.


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