> I think the "40%" was a rectum pluck rather than it
> being a fixed number
> on which OpenSolaris should aim. I mean, if you look
> at Mac, their
> marketshare is below 10% and yet has a bigger
> selection of software than
> Solaris.
> One could argue that not only does Solaris need more
> users, but its
> quality rather than quantity. If the vast majority of
> the 40% are penny
> pinching, proprietary software hating,
> thick-rim-glasses wearing, hunch
> back coding geeks - it certainly won't attract
> vendors such as Adobe or
> MYOB who don't target that crowd.
> Matthew
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The 40% certainly was a "rectum-pluck".  I was thinking about a goal for 
Solaris on the desktop, and 40% seemed so startling that I thought I'd better 
use it.
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