> It is ok for me if it allows
> another person called "root" who I figure out is a
> someone who is knowledgeable enough to get down to
> the root of the computer, it is not going to be me,

It has to be you.
You are the system administrator of your own system now,
whether you wish it or not, whether you're aware of it or not.

> Why does Solaris wait for the root user to log in to
> shut down my computer ?  I can log out as Shiva, but
> I don't see the controls to shut down.

Because Solaris is a UNIX, and a UNIX is a multi-user system by
design, no ordinary user can shut the system down.

Imagine what would happen if 300 users were logged into the
system working, or if the system was running applications and
providing services, and you decided it was time to go home and
shut the system down "for the night"?

UNIX is not a single user system like Windows. The computing model
is different. That is what it was designed for.

> And Solaris doesn't say yes immediately. It agrees to
> shut down, not until allowing 60 seconds to all other
> users who do not exist, after it sends out a
> "broadcast" announcing the "system" shut down, while
> I wait with my eyes fixed on the monitor on the
> messages that flash by in commnad prompt which I
> can't figure out, until Solaris finally shuts
> down...

There are ways to tell Solaris to shut down right away, you
just don't know how to tell him that yet.

If you wish to use Solaris effectively, you will have to do some
reading. For a thing so powerful, complexity is inherent; and while
some things can be simplified, some level of understanding will
be required.

> Solaris thinks that my computer is a huge network, so
> offers me plenty of functalities that I am not going
> to need nor understand. 

Do you even care to understand?

> Solairs is elaborate, very elaborate and robust, but
> my computer stands alone. What do I need to tell
> Solaris to offer me just what I need and no more ? 

Just like you would need to learn another language to
communicate with someone that doesn't speak the same
language as you do, you will need to learn to communicate
with Solaris and tell him what it is that you want. Likewise,
you will need to teach Solaris to understand "your language".

The good news is, Solaris is more than capable of learning.
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