[b]Bruce Lowry, Novell Spokesman, Aug 2007[/b]

"We're not interested in suing people over Unix," Novell spokesman
Bruce Lowry said. "We're not even in the Unix business anymore."


On 8/16/07, Al <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [b]Darl McBride, SCO CEO, April 2005[/b]:
> "We have seen what Sun plans to do with OpenSolaris and we have no problem 
> with it. What they're doing protects our Unix intellectual property rights."
> [b]Jack Messman, Novell CEO, in November 2004 on Sun's plans to open source 
> Solaris[/b]:
> "We are going to be interested in seeing how they do that because we own 
> Unix. We own the copyrights and the patents."
> [b]Scott McNealy, Sun CEO, in November 2004[/b]:
> "There were hundreds of encumbrances to open sourcing Solaris. Some of them 
> we had to buy out, others we had to eliminate. We had to pay SCO more money 
> so we could open the code -- I couldn't say anything about that at the time, 
> but now I can tell you that we paid them that license fee to expand our 
> rights to the code."
> [b]Judge Dale Kimball, August 2007[/b]:
> "The 2003 Sun Agreement purports..."to amend and restate" a Software License 
> and Distribution Agreement, signed March 17, 1994, between Sun and Novell. 
> Id. Recitals. In the 1994 Sun Agreement, Sun obtained a license that included 
> certain UNIX System V technology. The 2003 Sun Agreement re-licenses the SVRX 
> technology licensed in the 1994 Sun Agreement and licenses additional SVRX 
> technology to Sun. Id. Ex. 10....SCO did not contact Novell for approval 
> before executing the 2003 Sun Agreement or the 2003 Microsoft Agreement. And 
> Novell did not authorize either agreement."
> "...the court concludes that Novell is the owner of the UNIX and UnixWare 
> copyrights."
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